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Internet Presence and Web Design

RockEdge offers expert WordPress set up and configurationĀ  services for your personal or business Internet Presence and Web Design needs.For competitive rates RockEdge will install and customize WordPress websites to your specifications.

RockEdge will install and configure the photo and image website Gallery 3 on your Host or Local Server to fit your specifications. Control your own photo and image content with the ease of managing large amounts of photos and images.

XAMPP combines Apache, MySQL and Perl

Do you need a Web Server for Internet or Intranet code development, or to Host web pages in a production enviroment? Many people know from their own experience that it’s not easy to install an Apache web server and it gets harder if you want to add MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is an complete …

DOSBox Returns Life to MS Dos Applications

We will install and configure DOSBox on Microsoft Windows, MAC OS X or Linux Operating Systems.

WordPress Customizations

Gallery 3 Installations and Customizations